Order regulations – Warszawski Transport Publiczny

Order regulations

Order regulations binding in the local public transport
organised by the capital city of Warsaw

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Chapter I
General provisions

§ 1

1. Order regulations binding in the local public transport organised by the capital city of Warsaw aim at:

1) ensuring order and safety in the local public transport;

2) health, life and property protection of people using the local public transport.

§ 2

1. Vehicle staff, traffic supervision employees, underground staff and ticket inspector are authorised to provide guidelines and remarks and issue order aiming at ensuring safety of the passengers, proper functioning of the transport organised by the capital city of Warsaw and enforcement of the Order regulations.

2. Passengers are obliged to follow the orders as mentioned in sec. 1.

3. In case of an emergency vehicle route change, the vehicle staff or supervision employees are obliged to inform the passengers about vehicle course change or travel time.

§ 3

A person who find an item left on a vehicle, within the area of an underground station or stop shall inform the vehicle staff, underground station orderly or other order enforcement bodies.


Chapter II
Transport of People


§ 4

1. Getting on and off a vehicle is allowed only at stops or station after a vehicle’s stoppage. The people getting off the vehicle have a priority over the people getting on.

2. It is forbidden to get on and off a vehicle:

1) when a vehicle is moving;

2) before a complete opening of vehicle’s doors;

3) after the signal announcing the closing of the door of vehicle’s departure.

3. Passengers are obliged to leave the vehicle at the stop or station which is the last on along a given route:

1) when it is a stop or station assigned for people getting off the vehicle;

2) when a vehicle ended its service within a given route;

3) when there is a need to perform activities related with changing the driving direction;

4) upon the order of the vehicle staff, traffic supervision, ticket inspectors or underground staff.

4. Getting off a vehicle at the final stops or stations is allowed upon the consent of the vehicle staff, after the end of the activities related with the change of driving direction and after a vehicle arrives at the bus stop or initial station.

5. Vehicle staff is obliged to provide a bus or tram at the initial stop immediately after completing the activities related with the change of driving direction.

6. In case of vehicles equipped with a special button for opening the door by the passengers, the passengers getting on and off are obliged to open the door by themselves by pressing a button located on or next to the door.

7. At the stops adjusted to be served by more than one vehicle, the second vehicle does not stop again after the door closing and the third one and the subsequent ones must stop again at the stop after the preceding vehicles depart and allow the passengers one more time to get on and off.

8. People with visible disability or the blind or with sight impairment moving with the help of a white cane or an assisting dog, shall wait at the front part of the stop, including the “on demand” stop, making it possible for the vehicle to stop safely at the stop. Vehicle staff is obliged to stop the vehicle at the “on demand” stop even in case of lack of signalling of such a need on the part of a disabled person.

9. In case of noticing a person with visible disability or a blind person or a person with sight impairment, moving with the help of a white cane or an assisting dog, waiting in a place visible for the vehicle staff, a second and the subsequent vehicles shall stop again.

10. The provisions of the sec. 7 do not concern the stops marked as “triple stop” where it is allowed to have a passengers exchange in three vehicles at the same time.

§ 5

The passengers standing during the ride shall hold on to handles and railings.

§ 6

1. A passenger intending to get off at the stop marked as “on demand” shall inform about it the vehicle staff in appropriate time, enabling safe stoppage of the vehicle, by pressing the button marked as “STOP” or “on demand” and in case of lack of a relevant button – by reporting such a need to stop to the vehicle staff.

2. A person intending to get on the vehicle at the stop marked as “on demand” shall signal to the vehicle driver such an intention by clearly raising the hand till the moment they notice an indicator turned on. Signalling the need to stop shall be made in a way that makes it possible to safely stop the vehicle at the stop.

§ 7

Vehicle staff signals the door closing after a prior check if all the people getting off the vehicle have left it and the people getting one are on board.

§ 8

1. The places for the following people are assigned and marked by a graphic sign (pictogram):

1) people carrying a child as well as pregnant women;

2) the disabled and people with limited movement capacities;

3) people using wheelchairs;

4) baby buggies.

2. People mentioned in sec. 1 subsection 1, 2, 3 and people transporting children have priority in occupying assigned places as specified in the sec. 1 and have a priority in using lifts located at the underground stations.

3. Vehicle staff is obliged – in case of a clear signalling of such a need – to help the people mentioned in sec. 1 subsection 2 and 3 in getting on a vehicle and occupying there a place as well as leave the place and the vehicle.

4. The provisions of the sec. 3 do not concern underground or train drivers.

5. In case a passenger carries luggage or animals in the place specified in sec. 1 subsection 3 and 4, such a passenger is obliged to release such a place upon any demand of a passenger using a wheelchair or a person with a baby buggy and replace the carried luggage (including also an animal) with respecting the provisions of § 12.

6. In case a passenger carries a bicycle in the place specified in sec. 1 subsection 3 and 4, such a passenger is obliged to release such a place upon any demand of a passenger using a wheelchair or a person with a baby buggy and leave the vehicle.

§ 9


§ 10

1. In extraordinary situations, such as safety, health or life threat, committing a crime, gross breach of order regulations or other disturbances to public order, the vehicle staff is authorised to change the established route of a vehicle in order to use the help of relevant services, in particular the Police, rescue and fire extinguishing unit, health care units.

2. In the cases described in sec. 1 the vehicle staff is authorised to make a decision on stopping the vehicle and releasing the passengers in the place apart from the assigned in the stops along the route, with exercising special care.

3. Traffic orderly at the underground station is authorised, in cases as mentioned in sec. 1, to close the underground station for the passenger traffic.

§ 11

1. In the vehicles of the local public transport, at the stops, in the area of underground stations whose border starts from the first step of the descend and for other underground facilities – in accordance with the external outlay, it is forbidden:

1) to open the vehicle’s door during a ride or during vehicle’s stoppage outside of a stop;

2) to use in unjustified case, the alarm devices, emergency brake, emergency door opening, emergency exits, fire safety devices or other technical devices;

3) to pollute and litter or damage devices and equipment;

4) lean outside of the vehicle and lean against the door during the ride;

5) sitting on protection barriers, railings and handles, on the floor, platforms or stairs;

6) smoking or use of the so called e-cigarettes;

7) consumption of alcoholic drinks and intoxicants;

8) consumption of beverages and food if it may dirty other passengers, a vehicle, an underground station or a stop;

9) to be wearing roller blades or roller skates, using skateboards, bikes and other sport equipment;

10) play musical instruments and use of amplifiers without the consent of ZTM;

11) begging and direct sale;

12) throwing any objects from a vehicle during its ride or stoppage;

13) performance of activities that are not allowed or that may constitute a threat to other people or property concerning damages or injuries;

14) collecting money, sticking posters and announcements, throwing or distributing leaflets and advertising materials without the consent of ZTM;

15) trespassing the closed underground gates;

16) crossing the safety line assigned on the underground station platform or train station prior to the stop of the car train at the station;

17) descending to the track way, entering the tunnel or technical rooms of the underground;

18) running;

19) staying in the area of the underground station outside of the opening hours for passenger traffic excluding underground passages within the station;

20) making a smooth use of the public transport difficult or otherwise impossible.

2. In particular it is not considered as unjustified to use the emergency exits at the underground stations not equipped with extra wide gates, by:

1) people transporting a child in a baby buggy;

2) the disabled and people with limited movement capabilities and people using wheelchairs;

3) people carrying luggage (including a bicycle) with the size that makes it impossible to use the entry or exit gate;

4) people travelling with animals.

Chapter III
Transport of Luggage and Animals


§ 12

1. A passenger may carry luggage and animals in vehicles, if it is possible to place the luggage and animals in the vehicle in such a way that it shall not burden the passage or cause risk of damage to the people and other passengers’ property, or obscure the visibility for the vehicle’s staff, or endanger traffic safety

2. A passenger may transport bicycles in vehicles if there is a possibility to place the bicycle in a rack or in a place as mentioned in §8 section 1 sub. 3 and 4).

3. It is forbidden to place luggage or animals in places designated for sitting.

4. In case a passenger violates the provisions set out in sections 1 – 3, the vehicle’s staff, traffic supervisors, underground personnel, ticket inspectors or City Police may require the passenger to leave the vehicle, along with the luggage carried (including a bike) or an animal.

5. A passenger is obliged to respect the demand as specified in sec. 4.

6. Upon the demand of the vehicle service staff, a supervision employee or a ticket inspector a passenger is obliged:

1) to place the luggage (including also a bicycle) or an animal in a way that does not hinder the use of the vehicle by other people;

2) leave the vehicle jointly with the transported animal in case it is transported in a manner that is contradictory to the provisions of the sec. 1 and 3 and § 14;

3) leave the vehicle jointly with the carried luggage, if it includes items specified in § 13;

§ 13

It is forbidden to transport in the vehicles and to bring in or introduce to the underground station area:

1) objects that may be harmful to other passengers by pollution or body or property damage or may damage or pollute the vehicle (for instance sharp tools, objects with sharp edges, not secured containers with lubrications, paints, chemical substance etc.);

2) stinking, inflammable, highly inflammable, explosive objects or other dangerous materials;

3) objects whose transportation by public transport means is forbidden under separate law regulations.

§ 14

1. It is allowed to transport in the vehicles and to bring in or introduce to the underground station area:

1) small pets if they are not burdensome and are placed in a suitable for an animal basket, box, cage etc. ensuring the safety of the passengers and the animals;

2) dogs, provided that do not behave aggressively, are not burdensome for the passengers and muzzled and kept on the lead;

3) assisting dogs as mentioned in the Act of 27th August 1997 on professional and social rehabilitation and employment of the disabled. (Official Journal of 2011, no. 127, item 721 as amended)

§ 15

1. A passenger is obliged to ensure supervision over the transported luggage (including also a bicycle) or an animal and to undertake all activities necessary to prevent the possibility of damage caused by transported objects or animals.

2. The operator is liable for the luggage (including also a bicycle) or animals that the passenger transport under their own supervision, in case when the damage occurs due to the fault of the operator.


Chapter IV
Concluding Provisions

§ 16

1. Applications, complaints related with transportation of people, luggage and animals organised by the capital city of Warsaw are considered by the Director of ZTM or another person authorised by the Director of ZTM within the terms indicated in the binding provisions.

2. Applications, complaints as mentioned in sec. 1, may be submitted in witting to the address of ZTM or in writing or orally at the points assigned by the Director of ZTM, whose addresses are available on the website of ZTM.

§ 17

A person breaching the order regulations specified in § 4 sec. 2 and 3, § 9 sec. 2, § 11, § 12 sec. 5, § 13, are subject to liability for petty offences in accordance with the Art. 54 of the Act of 20th of May 1971 of the Petty Offence Code (Journal of Laws of 2015 item 1094).

* Based on the judgment of the  Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw of 23 May 2018, reference number act VI SA / WA 90/18 (Official Journal of the Mazovian Province of 2019, item 4196)


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